RAD140(Testolone): Review & Use & Risks
1. RAD140 (Testolone) Review When it comes to selecting pharmaceutical products, you need to be extra careful. Getting the wrong ones will not only give undesired results but even worse; it could worsen your health. Phcoker has proven its worth in the manufacture of drugs, and among them is the RAD140 (Testolone). 2. What is RAD140 (Testolone)? This is a new compound, gradually rising in popularity as a selective Androgen receptor modulator, also SARM. This pharmaceutical product is primarily meant for the treatment of muscle wasting and breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It was discovered in 2010 and has shown promising signs with most reports and reviews indicating that it has been a success in its muscle building properties test. What’s more? The FDA approved it. If you are not sure if you should try it out, this RAD140 review is aimed at helping you understand its benefits, side-effects, expectations, and dosage so you can make a sound ...